At Rosa del Desierto we consider education one of the main tools for development, which is why a large part of our project focuses on the educational area.
A part of the children older than 9 years of the population, do not attend school
for different reasons: social, economic, language, etc. desert rose has
a program that motivates and helps children of school age to access or continue
their studies in public school.
The organization supports families in their housing expenses and help so that the children can study: paying their school expenses, materials and other schooling expenses. All the children supported by RdD are part of families with difficulties. Throughout the course, these children receive not only the necessary material, but also a breakfast, especially the little ones.
Likewise, boys or girls who have never attended public school, after learning to read and write, can access it even when their age is higher than the established one.
The school has worked with magnificent results since 2007. The success of the training can be assessed in the number of children who passed to the next course, with a pass rate of 85% of the 350 students enrolled.
The school project also helps the literacy of young adults and women, improving their job prospects and opening new and better paths in the
world of work. He supports himself with his transportation expenses and other types of needs, to
be able to receive this literacy.
+34 649 002157